Mi Casa Childminding

22 Regent Way, Brentwood CM14 4TY, UK

About Mi Casa Childminding

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    If you want your child to learn a second language from an early age this is for you!
    By studying a foreign language, children are given the opportunity not only to learn about other cultures but, more importantly, to communicate with others too.
    It is also a thoroughly enjoyable subject to learn, with less emphasis on the written word and more on practical tasks, such as drama, story-telling, role-play, speaking and listening. “Mi Casa Childminding” is committed to provide high quality childcare by giving your child a safe, warm and welcoming home-based environment.
    Through a wide range of activities children will be encouraged to express themselves in a positive manner and challenged to maximise their potential following a Montessori appro

    Mi Casa Childminding

    Our Address

    22 Regent Way, Brentwood CM14 4TY, UK

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